Friday, March 9, 2007


I had been writing in the same diary since last 7 years.

My concept of writing a diary is writing in it whenever I really feel like sharing anything. So I just come back to write in it after 15 days, or may be a month or so. And doing this, I observed that the same diary was used for a period of 7 years!!!

But believe in me reading through it is a wonderful journey. It always leaves me amused when I turn back a few pages and peep into my thoughts in the past. They always seem to be so insane, immature, and incomplete... Yesterday, while I was writing in the last few lines there, I quickly ran through those previous 7 years that were painted in bits & pieces in it. It was a totally incomplete painting, yet extremely beautiful, since it was my picture. It appeared extremely ugly at few places, graceful in the other, stupid at some instances, and brilliant in the others!!! However it may be- for me it was an extremely beautiful painting.

There was however one disturbing fact with my diary, that in most of the pages, I had been extremely lonely or sad. Probably I felt like sharing my feeling in my diary only during those lonely times. Why was it that I didn't feel like sharing my happy or cheerful moments there? It was probably because I had plenty of my friends and family members to share my happiness, but unhappy moments had been totally lonely, and at those times I had no other friend than my faithful little Diary.

Diaries are such beautiful friends isn't it? We can express anything there without the fear of being ridiculed or criticised. We can be nobody other than ourselves there. But don't we expect the same from our friends? In fact its much more better to confide in a friend than an inanimate diary. ( How much I wish I owned a diary like Ginny Weasley, which could respond to my feelings!!) Well looking closely to this, I feel that this is my primary requirement from any relationship for that matter, is that people should accept me the way I am. Well I do need advice, and directions from them, but that advice should not have a note of criticism in it. And also that advice should come with an probability of being rejected also.

But very often my advice to my friends (and vice versa) if full of criticism, taunts, and worst of all its full of sarcasm at times..

Well then according to me, the best way of maintaining healthy relationship is basically by accepting the person (without trying to change him/her) and when we feel that some change is necessary, we should just give our 'OPINION'. But our opinion should not have any kind of criticism or sarcasm in it. JUST PURE OPINION.

Because its not the advice, but the tone of sarcasm and criticism that makes the receiver resistant to it !!!
This is probably the best lesson that my diary has taught me...